Cáca don Rí


Is iontach an báicéir í Rúbaí Rua.

Ach ní maith léi go mbeadh aon duine ag cabhrú léi, go háirithe na luchóga a chónaíonn ina teach báicéara.

Nuair a ordaíonn an Rí cáca dá lá breithe, tá Rúbaí agus na luchóga ar bís – go dtí go dtarlaíonn timpiste uafásach…

Ruby Red is a very busy baker.

The mice who live in her bakery would love to help, but Ruby won’t hear of it.

When the King orders a birthday cake from Ruby, the baker and her mouse admirers are beside themselves with excitement.

Until disaster strikes…

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