An tIriseoir
Foréigean baile, saol scriosta, pósadh cliste. Éalaíonn Bríd ó Ghaoth Dobhair le dul i mbun iriseoireachta i mBaile Átha Cliath. Iriseoir díograiseach, ábalta agus cumasach í, a mhúchann na cuimhní cráite le tréan oibre. Titeann saol Bhríd as a chéile agus í ag fiosrú scéil ar a fód dúchais nuair a aithníonn sí go bhfuil a mac féin ina chroílar.
Domestic violence, a broken marriage, a life destroyed. Bríd escapes from Gweedore to embark on life as a journalist in Dublin. She is a dedicated and capable journalist, and she finds solace and forgetfulness by throwing herself into her work to the exclusion of all else. But her life falls apart when she starts investigating a story in her hometown, only to discover that her own son appears to be deeply implicated in it.