Dé Sathairn 30 Iúil bhí imeacht rí speisialta ar siúl ar an Fheirm a bhí eagraithe i gcomhpháirtíocht le Líonra Leitir Ceanainn. Cúpla uair i rith an tsamhraidh déanann John “Dig Your Dinner” a eagrú agus tagann daoine amach chun turas treoraithe thart faoin gharraí a bheith acu agus a rogha glasraí a bhaint. Seo an rud a rinneadh Dé Sathairn ach é curtha ar fáil i nGaeilge. Bhí deis ag na teaghlaigh bualadh le cónaitheoirí eile ar an fheirm fosta – na cearca, na gamhna agus dhá mhuc, Pip Squeak agus Georgio a tháinig ó Loch Garman i ngluaisteán – cé acu a bhí ag tiomáint an cheist a bhí againn go léir!

On Saturday 30th July, a very special event took place on the farm, jointly organised with Líonra Leitir Ceanainn. A few times during each summer, John organises a “Dig Your Dinner” event and people come out to the farm to enjoy a guided tour and to dig their own vegetables. Saturday 30th was one of these such events, with the bonus that the whole day took place through Irish. The families enjoying the day also had opportunities to meet the farm’s other residents – the hens, the calves and two pigs, Pip Squeak and Georgio that travelled up in a car from Wexford – which one of them was driving was the question on all of our lips!

You may not have the opportunity now to dig your dinner out at Ballyholey Farm again until next summer, but you do have plenty of time to seize the opportunity to call out and purchase delicious vegetables – and other tasty items – in the farm shop or at the Farmers Market on a Saturday morning.