Tá cónaí ar Kim i nDún Fionnachaidh sa lá atá inniu ann, agus tá sí ag obair mar chúntóir leabharlainne le ceithre bliana anuas. Cuireann sí fáilte mhór roimh an Ghaeilge agus bíonn sí breá sásta cuidiú le Gaeilgeoirí leabhair Ghaeilge agus ábhair eile a aimsiú!
“Is cainteoirí Gaeilge iad go leor dár gcuairteoirí leabharlainne. Déanann Leabharlanna Dhún na nGall a ndícheall tacú leis an Ghaeilge agus í a chur chun cinn trí go leor acmhainní saor in aisce a chur ar fáil. Áiríonn catalóg na leabharlainne go leor teidil Ghaeilge agus dhátheangacha agus gheobhaidh daoine ó gach aoisghrúpa go leor teideal éagsúil sa leabharlann féin agus ar líne, agus iad á dtairiscint i bhformáidí éagsúla lena n-áirítear leabhair, ríomhleabhair agus closleabhair.”
“Tá rud iontach speisialta faoin léitheoireacht le do leanbh mar go dtugann sé bealach uathúil agus spraíúil chun tacú lena scileanna teanga chomh maith le grá don léitheoireacht a spreagadh. Breathnaigh ar ár réimse leathan de leabhair spreagúla le freastal ar gach aoisghrúpa, ó na leabhair bheaga le clúdach crua atá oiriúnach do leanaí óga go dtí na leabhair chorraitheacha spéisiúla atá dírithe ar dhéagóirí níos sine. I rith na bliana déantar an Ghaeilge a cheiliúradh ar fud an chontae, mar shamplaí trí Chruinniú na nÓg, Seachtain na Gaeilge agus Réaltaí Samhraidh, ina gcuirtear imeachtaí éagsúla taitneamhacha leabharlainne ar siúl a chothóidh agus a neartóidh grá don teanga trí cheol, scéalaíocht agus rince.”
Luaigh Kim go bhfuil cúrsaí ar líne saor in aisce ar fáil do Ghaeilgeoirí nua chun a scileanna teanga a fheabhsú, agus spreagann sí daoine níos mó eolais a fháil amach trí bhualadh isteach chuig a leabharlann áitiúil nó cuairt a thabhairt ar an suíomh gréasáin: www.donegallibrary.ie.
Worker of the Month, August, Donegal County Library: Kim Sterritt
Kim now lives in Dunfanaghy, and she has been working as a library assistant for the past four years. Kim greatly welcomes the use of Irish and she is more than happy to assist Irish speakers in locating Irish-language books and other materials!
“Many of our library visitors are Irish speakers. Donegal County Library strives to support and promote the Irish language and by ensuring a wide range of resources are freely available. The library’s catalogue includes many Irish-language and bilingual titles and people from every age group will find a large variety of titles both in the library itself and online, offered in a range of formats including books, e-books and audio books.”
“There is something special about reading to your child as it provides a unique and fun way of supporting their language skills in addition to encouraging a love for reading. Look at our broad range of exciting titles to cater for every age group, from the little hardback books that are suitable for young children to the exciting, interesting stories that are aimed at older teenagers. Irish is celebrated throughout the county throughout the year, for example through Cruinniú na nÓg, Seachtain na Gaeilge and the Summer Stars programme, in which various, fun, library events are organised that nurture and strengthen love for the language through music, storytelling and dance.”
Kim mentioned that free online Irish courses are available to new Irish speakers to improve their language skills, and she encourages more people to find out more by calling into their local library or by visiting the website: www.donegallibrary.ie.
As Kim says, the library contains great variety: “I really enjoy my work because of the variety. One day, I am working in the Research Department or with local matters. The following day, I may be running an event for children or a Book Club, so two days are never the same! And I have opportunities to meet with people from all over the world!”